Conserve offers Comprehensive & Interactive HVAC Design Course in Qatar in association with MMTC Qatar
HVAC Course Objective :
The objective of the course is to provide design knowledge of HVAC System to
working Professionals or fresh Mechanical Engineers.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the course the candidate shall be able to
- Understand the concepts of thermodynamics and heat transfer as
applicable to commercial HVAC industry - Choose the right type of Air conditioning system as applicable to a
project - Perform cooling load calculation
- Design air distribution system
- Design chilled water system
- Perform Engineering calculations like ESP Calculation, Pump head
calculation etc - Choose the right equipment's for the project
Course Duration: 30 Hours
- Chapter -1: Review of Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
- What is HVAC?
- Understanding Sensible Heat, Latent Heat and Enthalpy
- Modes of Heat Transfer
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- Refrigeration Cycles
- Vapour Compression Cycle
- Air Conditioning Capacity
- Actual Capacity and Nominal Capacity
- Commonly used metrics, units and conversions
- Exercises – Unit conversion
- Review of Psychometrics
- Psychometrics definition
- Significance of psychometrics in Air Conditioning
- Psychometric Properties
- Application of Psychometric Chart
- Exercise – Using psychometric chart
- Psychometric Process
- Determining mixed air conditions
- Exercise- Determining mixed air conditions
- Sensible Heat Factor
- Apparatus Dew point Temperature
- Exercise – Determining supply air temperature
- Chapter -2: Comfort Conditions and Cooling Load Calculations
- Comfort Parameters
- Thermal Comfort Chart
- Design Conditions
- Cooling Load Components
- Heat gain through walls and roofs
- Calculation of U Value
- Exercises Calculation of U Values – Manual and Excel sheet
- Heat gain through windows/glazing
- Ventilation
- Infiltration
- People
- Lighting load
- Equipment load
- System heat gain
- Heat gain through walls and roofs
- Cooling load calculation methods
- Building Survey for cooling load calculation
- Exercise cooling load survey
- Cooling load calculation using HAP
- Exercise cooling load calculation using HAP
- Green Building and Local Code requirements to be considered
- Chapter -3: AC System Types
- DX Systems
- Package Terminal AC units or Window units
- Split systems
- Decorative Split – Wall mounted, Ceiling mounted(Cassete), Floor Mounted
- Ducted Split – Top Discharge, Side Discharge
- Roof Top Package Units
- Mini VRF
- VRF/VRV Systems
- Circuits in Dx Systems
- Central Units
- All air system – Air is being controlled to get comfort
- All Water system – Water is being controlled get comfort
- Air water system – Air + water controlled to get comfort
- District Cooling Plants
- Comparison of different systems
- Choosing right system for the project
- Exercise –Evaluate various systems for a given project
- DX Systems
- Chapter -4: Dx System
- Choosing the right equipment based on cooling load calculation
- Energy Efficiency Performance Indicators
- Green Building and Local code requirements to be considered in selection of equipment
- Typical Installation detail
- Indoor Unit
- Outdoor Unit
- Refrigerant Piping
- Ducts
- Grills
- Diffusers
- Designing the air distribution system
- Components of air distribution system
- Indoor Unit or Fan Coil Unit – Fan, Cooling Coil and Filters
- Ducts-Sizing – Manual and Software
- Selection of Grills and Diffusers
- Volume control dampers
- Fire dampers
- Acoustic liner
- ESP Calculation
- Condensate piping
- Components of air distribution system
- Typical Installation of package unit
- Typical Installation of outdoor ducting
- VRF System
- Exercises and sample calculations
- Chapter -5: Toilets and Kitchen Ventilation
- Maintaining Positive and Negative Pressure in various spaces
- Exhaust rate as per ASHRAE 62.1 in various spaces
- Calculation of Ventilation requirements
- Mass Balance
- Heat Recovery
- Exercises
- Chapter -6: Chilled Water Distribution System
- Chilled water system components
- Various types of Chillers
- Based on refrigeration cycle
- Based on compressors
- Based on Condenser type
- Various Chilled water flow configurations
- Constant Primary flow
- Constant Primary Variable Secondary flow
- Variable primary flow
- Chilled water pipe sizing
- Manual
- Software
- Quick Selection chart
- Typical Installation of Chilled water FCU and AHU
- Various components of Chilled water piping
- Valves
- Test points
- Flow meters
- Pressure sensors
- Temperature sensors
- Dosing unit
- Expansion tank, Pressurization system
- Pump Head Calculation
- Cooling Tower
- Types of cooling tower
- Cooling tower water losses
- Cycles of concentration
- Cooling tower selection
- District cooling system
- Chapter -7: Car Park Ventilation System
- Objectives of car park ventilation system
- Code requirements
- Approach to car park ventilation design
- Ducted system
- Jet fan system
- CFD Simulation
- Chapter -8: Tunnel Ventilation System
- Longitudinal Ventilation
- Transversal Ventilation
- Semi Transversal Ventilation
- Calculation of fresh air and exhaust requirements
- Chapter -9: Stairwell Pressurization system
- Single Injection system
- Multiple Injection system
- Chapter -10: Basics of HVAC Controls
- BMS Input/output schematics
- Instrumentation required for HVAC Controls
- Chapter -11: Basics of HVAC Controls
- BMS Input/output schematics
- Instrumentation required for HVAC Controls
- Chapter -12: Considerations while designing for Green Buildings
- Introduction to Green Buildings and Green Building Rating systems
- Factors to be considered when designing for Green Buildings
Mr. K. M. Bazeeth Ahamed is an official USGBC LEED Faculty & consultant in Green Buildings. He has completed his Post Graduation in Mechanical Engineering from Birla Institute of Technology in 2002 and has spent 15 years in Academics, Research, MEP Contracting, Energy Audits and Green Building Consultancy. Mr. K. M. Bazeeth Ahamed is a Certified Energy Manager and Energy Auditor. He is a LEED AP with two specialties BD+C and O+M. He is also ASHRAE Certified Building Energy Assessment Professional. He strongly believes certifications are the very best way to develop and demonstrate professional skills. He has successfully trained more than 2000 professionals in LEED, Green Buildings and HVAC
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